odds ratio

美 [ɑːdz ˈreɪʃioʊ]英 [ɒdz ˈreɪʃiəʊ]
  • 比值比;优势率,比值比;缩写词为OR
odds ratioodds ratio
  1. Secondly , due to reduce vector dimension , Mutual Information and Odds Ratio are used to select a part of features from a mass ones , which is more useful to E-mail category .


  2. The introduction of odds ratio ( OR value ) .


  3. And the statistical inference is made based on Posterior Odds Ratio .


  4. Estimation of the odds Ratio for the Unemployment Statistics in Small Area


  5. We calculated the diagnostic accuracy and odds ratio for each US finding .


  6. Odds ratio were 6.75, 2.47 and 0.46 respectively .


  7. Exact confidence interval for odds ratio of matched case-control study


  8. Gender significantly affects odds ratio of employment opportunities and unemployment duration for graduates .


  9. Fixed Effect Model Analysis was used to calculate the incorporated odds ratio ( OR c ) based on homogeneity test .


  10. At last , we discussed the models of expert object and presented an Odds Ratio method in the text vector model of expert objects .


  11. Difference in early metastatic rate between two groups of patients was compared by χ 2 test , and odds ratio ( OR ) was calculated .


  12. The risk of postpartum thyroiditis was significantly elevated in the high-risk group ( odds ratio , 6.69 ) .


  13. Odds ratio ( OR ) for occurrence of cancer was calculated and Mantel Haenszel test was used .


  14. There was no significant difference in the odds ratio of infant or neonatal mortality between experimental and control areas without iodination .


  15. According to the result of experiments , combining odds ratio feature sub-set selection method with naive Bayesian method has wonderful classification precision .


  16. Method : A case-control study was conducted to analyze the odds ratio and 95 % confidence interval for the history of obstetric complications .


  17. The team also found that people with prior Addison 's disease were at increased risk of celiac disease ( odds ratio , 8.6 ) .


  18. The exposure odds ratio ( EOR ) of various factors and their 95 % confidence limits and X ~ 2 were calculated .


  19. The odds ratio of hypertension in type ⅱ diabetic male patients with A allele was 2.825 ( 95 % CI 1.418,5.627 ) .


  20. Moreover , male and female circumstances also certainly differ in terms of the factors that affect the odds ratio and unemployment duration for graduates .


  21. Odds ratio ( OR ) and its 95 % confidence interval ( CI ) were used as the measurement parameter of efficacy and toxicity comparison .


  22. Through single-factor exploratory analysis , odds ratio of efficacy and variable was calculated taken P < 0.2 as the including criteria for data mining analysis with decision tree model .


  23. Results The odds ratio for lung cancer associated with coal compared to biomass was 1.29 ( 95 % CI ∶ 1.03-1.61 ), adjusted for smoking and socio-economic status .


  24. Computation on the Shortest Confidence Interval The odds ratio ( OR ) and 95 % confidence interval ( CI ) were estimated by logistic regression .


  25. METHODS A case control study was conducted to analyze the odds ratio and 95 % confidence interval for the history of obstetric complications by univariate and multivariate analyses respectively .


  26. Pooled analyses from all studies revealed no difference in complete abortion rates between groups ( odds ratio = 0.8 ; 95 % CI : 0.5 – 1.5 ) .


  27. After consistency check , Random effect model was selected to calculate the pooled odds ratio ( OR ) and its corresponding 95 % confidence in interval ( CI ) .


  28. Initial analysis revealed that the presence of any pathogen was associated with an increased risk for asthma exacerbation , at an odds ratio ( OR ) of2.77 .


  29. Results The standard partial regression coefficient (β) and odds ratio ( OR ) of age affects on β 2-M are 0 250 ( P < 0.01 ) and 1.79 , respectively .


  30. The cumulative disease index and city residents were main risk factors for sleep disturbance in demented participants with the odds ratio of 1.45 , 4.33 , respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .
